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definite article
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
definite article
▪ But these are presented without a definite article.
▪ Demonstratives and the definite article are terms whose mobilisation and use would be strongly linked to this kind of deixis.
▪ It's a language all its own, with rules and a grammar, but it has no definite article.
▪ Notice especially that the definite article may be one such further selecting qualifier.
▪ The definite article was inclined to appear in strange places, and to disappear from other places where it should have been.
▪ The man had become a myth and acquired the definite article.
▪ The newspaper names have a definite article because there is only one.
▪ They are all blond and call themselves Gang, without the definite article, which has an icily Germanic ring.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Definite article

Definite \Def"i*nite\, a. [L. definitis, p. p. of definire: cf. F. d['e]fini. See Define.]

  1. Having certain or distinct; determinate in extent or greatness; limited; fixed; as, definite dimensions; a definite measure; a definite period or interval.

    Elements combine in definite proportions.

  2. Having certain limits in signification; determinate; certain; precise; fixed; exact; clear; as, a definite word, term, or expression.

  3. Determined; resolved. [Obs.]

  4. Serving to define or restrict; limiting; determining; as, the definite article.

    Definite article (Gram.), the article the, which is used to designate a particular person or thing, or a particular class of persons or things; -- also called a definitive. See Definitive, n. -

    Definite inflorescence. (Bot.) See Determinate inflorescence, under Determinate.

    Law of definite proportions (Chem.), the essential law of chemical combination that every definite compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by weight; and, if two or more elements form more than one compound with each other, the relative proportions of each are fixed. Compare Law of multiple proportions, under Multiple.

definite article

n. (context grammar English) An article that introduces a noun and specifies it as the particular noun that is being considered; in English, the only definite article is ''the''.

definite article

n. a determiner (as `the' in English) that indicates specificity of reference

Definite Article

Definite Article is the title of British comedian Eddie Izzard's 1996 performance released on VHS. It was recorded on different nights at the Shaftesbury Theatre. Both recordings cover topics such as The Italian Job, Pavlov's dogs and European languages.

Usage examples of "definite article".

It is thought that the initial n may have been dropped in French or Italian as it was assimilated into the definite article -- i.

Put yourself between support and a definite article, then add a couple.

It wasn't hard to imagine a time when the predominant loyalty would be to this blue world, or even to the cluster of worlds huddling around the nearby yellow dwarf star on which humans, once unaware that every star is a sun, had bestowed the definite article: the Sun.

Or perhaps the definite article, or even the letter E itself, will have been omitted from the cipher altogether.

A God which makes no difference doesn't rate the definite article or the pronoun 'who.